Today is the “premiere” of “The Craft of ‘Kissa by Kissa’” — a short doc I made showcasing a bit of the craftspersonship and production behind Kissa by Kissa.
The doc is premiering (and will continue to be viewable) on YouTube right now (as of Thurs, Oct. 21, 11pm JST). You can check it out here:
I’m also running a little post-premiere livestream Q&A over here from 11:10pm JST (so, ten minutes after the premiere). Go check out the doc and then feel free to hop in with questions if you have any. Normally I keep these Q&As to SPECIAL PROJECTS members only, but I’ve been doing so many members only streams these past few months, I thought I’d open this one up to non-member newsletter folks, too. I’ll hang around for an hour or so in that livestream channel.
Many thanks for your continued support on this book. Looking forward to digging into the writing, editing, and production of Book Two, ASAP (which, BTW, I’m writing a members-only diary about).
More soon,