Around the corner from last week’s inn, huh, look at that, Cobalt: funky little so-called “snack” — Japanese style Showa-era bar — gorgeous katakana logo-type in offbeat perspective, characters terminating with architectural details of building itself, no fewer than four (five? six?) signs, “snack coffee,” “snack & coffee,” “cafe and meals,” gold lettering on door, yellow sign on road, sign bolted above door perpendicular to road; stickers on porthole windows of some cartoon island fantasy, owner likely having lived upstairs for last forty years (longing for island life?), and on the ground, a hint of when this photo was taken: Early April, perhaps, just as sakura were in full bloom, pedals blown from nearby tree, covering doormat, an entrance for logging royalty, kiss from an old man with calloused hands waiting inside.