Issue 061
October 19, 2021

K×K³ — Documentary Premiere (in 10 mins!)

Premiere of the Kissa × Kissa bookmaking documentary

Roden Readers —

Last year I promised a production documentary around the making of Kissa by Kissa. I filmed a bunch, but didn’t find time to properly edit the footage. And then, this year, I ended up working with a different set of printers and binders and so decided to film once again — with a better camera and lenses and ever-so-slightly more video knowledge.

Well, after so much more time spent on this than expected (as is always the case), I am happy to say, the doc is premiering today, Thursday Oct 21, 2021, at 11pm JST (10am EST) (or: in about twenty minutes from when this is being sent). You can catch it here:

Check it out! Smash that, uhm, like button.

Obviously you can watch after the “premiere,” too, at the same link. It’s just kind of fun to have a “launch” moment for the film.

Also, ten minutes after the premiere (11:10pm JST, 10:10am EST), I’m hosting a livestream Q&A for SPECIAL PROJECTS members and Roden readers — you all can pop into the livestream here: K×K³ post-premiere livestream Q&A.

I don’t have anything planned; just a chat and show and tell around the book. Happy to field any questions about this third edition / production / printing / shipping / logistics / business components.

Oh, random little request: For those Goodreads users out there, if you wouldn’t mind starring / adding a note on Kissa by Kissa’s listing, that’d be great.

Many thanks for your support. More soon!